Maurice Saylor: Composer

String Quartet #2: Five Portraits (1997)

24 minutes

I.   Moderately fast, but gently
Gerald F. Muller
II.  Scherzo I
Frank Wilhoit
III. Adagio
Matthias Meuwissen
Scherzo IIScott Simonelli
V.  Gentle and tranquil, freely
Constantine Efantis
Score and recording

Program Notes:
This quartet is comprised of five portraits of composers who have influenced me personally and musically. I remain in their debt not only for their friendship but also for the short quotation I have borrowed from each in order to give the portraits a stronger likeness to the dedicatee.

The recording is of the premiere, June 19, 1997, performed by the Sunrise Quartet.

This work received a performance award at the 1997 Delius Festival.

–Maurice Saylor

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